Ministry of External Affairs, India invites applications for 75th Know India Program for the Indian Diaspora

Know Your India
Know Your India
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Participants in the previous Know Your India Program | Courtesy: MEA, India

The Ministry of External Affairs invites applications for the 75th Know India Program (KIP) for the Indian Diaspora. 

India's cultural heritage is a vibrant tapestry woven from centuries of history, diverse traditions, and rich artistry. As a cradle of ancient civilizations, India boasts an unparalleled legacy of art, architecture, music, dance, literature, and spirituality. Its heritage is reflected in the majestic temples of Tamil Nadu, the intricate Mughal architecture of the Taj Mahal, the classical dance forms like Bharatanatyam and Kathak, and the ancient scriptures of the Vedas and Upanishads. The country's festivals, such as Diwali, Holi, and Eid, showcase its pluralistic ethos, while traditional crafts like handloom weaving, pottery, and jewelry making highlight the enduring skills passed down through generations. India's cultural richness is also evident in its myriad languages, cuisines, and folk traditions, each contributing to the nation's unique and multifaceted identity. This heritage not only connects Indians to their past but also continues to inspire and shape the contemporary cultural landscape.

At least 18 million people from the Indian Diaspora left India years back, and their next generation often yearns to connect with their motherland and learn more about it. To address this need, the Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India has launched the Know India Program (KIP), currently in its 75th edition. 

The Know India Programme (KIP) is a government initiative by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, for the Indian diaspora (excluding NRIs) between the ages of 18 to 30 years. It was launched on January 8, 2014, on the occasion of Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in New Delhi. The purpose of the KIP is to help Persons of Indian Origin youths familiarize themselves with their roots and contemporary India, providing them exposure to the country of their origin. Since 2016, six KIPs are organized each year.



The KIP is a three-week knowledge programme designed for diaspora youth. The primary objective is to foster a closer connection between Indian diaspora youth and their ancestral homeland by augmenting their understanding of India. Participants get an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the history and culture of India as a civilization, as well as the advancements and achievements of modern India across diverse domains, including the economy, industry, education, science and technology, telecommunications, information technology, and space science. 

Participants engage in learning tours to various institutions and organizations in both the private and public sectors, providing them with profound insights and meaningful interactions with field experts and specialists. The program will run from July 7, 2024, to July 27, 2024, and the last date for application is May 31, 2024.

The substance of the programme broadly includes:

1. Presentations on the country, political process, economy, and developments in various sectors such as science & technology, information technology, pharmaceuticals, the startup ecosystem, digital infrastructure, India stacks, JAM trinity, education, defense, agriculture, and tourism.

2. Immersion programs with interaction with faculty and students at prestigious universities, colleges, or institutes.

3. Presentations on industrial development and visits to industries, exposing participants to schemes like Skill India, Digital India, Aatmanirbhar Bharat, and Make in India.

4. Visits to villages to explore agricultural practices, professions, and typical village life.

5. Visits to one or two states in India to expose participants to the cultural diversity of India.

6. Interactions with NGOs and government organizations.

7. Visits to places of historical importance and monuments, exposing participants to India's rich cultural legacy and heritage.

8. Participation in cultural programmes and exposure to classical dance forms and music.

9. Exposure to Vedantic, spiritual, religious, and medicinal traditions of India, such as Yoga and Ayurveda.

10. Meetings with high dignitaries, which may include the Vice President of India, Union Ministers, and Governors or Chief Ministers of Partner States.

11. Visits to Rashtrapati Bhawan and Parliament.

12. Visits to scientific institutions and familiarization with the significant progress achieved by India since independence.

This year’s KIP program will run from July 7, 2024 to Juy 27, 2024 and the last date of application is May 31, 2024.

You can register for the Know India Program here

Know India Program

 A glimpse from previous Know Your India Programme:



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