Kamala Harris Sparks Enthusiasm Among South Asian Americans

Kamala Harris Campaign
Kamala Harris Campaign
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Credit: South Asians for Harris (Instagram)

With the backing of President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris’s bid for the presidency is igniting a wave of excitement across the United States, particularly among the South Asian diaspora. Harris, who would be the first South Asian American and the first Black woman to lead a major party's presidential ticket, represents a historic possibility that has galvanized communities eager to see greater representation at the highest levels of government.

South Asian American Community

Shekar Narasimhan, chairman and founder of the AAPI Victory Fund, vividly recalls a late-night call joined by nearly 1,000 participants. The energy and enthusiasm from Asian-Americans, Hispanics, and Black community members were palpable as these Democratic-leaning groups came together to endorse Harris. “Representation matters,” Narasimhan stated, emphasizing that Harris’s candidacy has the potential to mobilize a historically underrepresented community. “We are the smallest of the three but the fastest growing group and have a lot of resources. Harris is aware of the potential. She will tap into it, and her presence will also galvanize the community.”



Harris’s connection with the Asian-American community is also reflected in polling data. According to a July survey, 44% of Asian Americans have a favorable impression of Harris, compared to 34% for former President Donald Trump.

The Power of Sorority and Solidarity

Harris’s ties to Alpha Kappa Alpha, the oldest Black, Greek-letter sorority, have further amplified her support base. Rachel Henderson of KSHB 41, a fellow sorority member, spoke with local members who underscored the significance of Biden's endorsement and the sense of pride and mobilization it has sparked.

During the sorority’s 71st Boule in Dallas, Harris encouraged her sisters to mobilize and vote. Lani Stigler, president of the Mu Omega chapter, described Harris’s speeches as inspiring and said, “I think the value in having someone who represents you and looks like you gives you voice, and I think that is what’s most important when we’re soaring to the polls.”

This sentiment reflects the broader enthusiasm within Black sororities and fraternities, where Harris’s candidacy is seen as a beacon of progress and a call to action. The historical significance of her potential presidency resonates deeply, inspiring a new generation of leaders and activists to engage in the political process.

South Asian Americans Mobilize

The South Asian community’s enthusiasm for Harris is also notable. Sanchi Vishwakarma, a member of the University of Missouri — Kansas City’s South Asian Film Society, appreciates Harris’s representation and her appeal as a female candidate. “Just the action of having someone new to represent something new with a new perspective is going to be appealing to a lot of minorities and a lot of people,” she said.

This sentiment was echoed in a massive Zoom call organized by prominent South Asian women leaders, which thousands of participants and raised significant money for Harris’s campaign. The event highlighted the unprecedented energy and commitment within the community to support Harris’s historic bid for the presidency.



In states like Colorado, South Asian Americans are uniting behind Harris’s campaign. Indira Duggirala, vice-chair of the Colorado Democratic Party, noted the pride and excitement within the community. “I think it's a point of pride for sure, but she is a well-deserving candidate and the South Asian community is 100 percent behind her.”

Similarly, Neal Walia, chair of Colorado South Asian Democrats, highlighted Harris’s resonance with community values of justice and equality. “Her nomination reflects the rich diversity and strength of America, and it sends a powerful message to AAPI communities everywhere, especially to our youth, about the limitless possibilities in our great nation.”

Building Momentum in Key States

The enthusiasm for Harris is not limited to one region. Across the country, South Asian Americans are rallying to support her campaign. In California, where Harris has deep political roots, community leaders are organizing events and fundraisers to bolster her candidacy. The state, home to a significant South Asian population, is poised to play a crucial role in the Democratic primaries.

In New York, another state with a substantial South Asian community, local activists are leveraging their networks to increase voter turnout. The focus is on ensuring that South Asian voices are heard loud and clear in the upcoming election. “We are mobilizing like never before,” said Priya Patel, a community organizer. “This is our moment to make history.”

The Role of Youth and Social Media

A significant factor in Harris’s campaign is the involvement of young voters, particularly within the South Asian community. Social media platforms are buzzing with activity as young South Asians share their support for Harris, organize virtual events, and create content to raise awareness about her policies and vision for the future.

Anisha Singh, a college student and Harris supporter, noted the importance of digital engagement. “We’re using Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter to reach as many people as possible. It’s about creating a movement that transcends traditional campaign strategies and resonates with the younger generation.”

This digital activism is crucial in an era where social media can sway public opinion and drive voter turnout. Harris’s campaign is leveraging these tools to build a grassroots movement that is both dynamic and inclusive.

Bridging Cultural and Generational Gaps

Harris’s candidacy also has the potential to bridge cultural and generational gaps within the South Asian community. While older generations may have more conservative views, the younger generation’s progressive stance is gaining traction. This shift is evident in the increasing number of young South Asians who are politically active and vocal about their support for Harris.

Dr. Meena Shah, a sociologist, explains this phenomenon: “Kamala Harris represents a new era of politics that aligns with the values of younger South Asians. They see her as someone who understands their struggles and aspirations, someone who can bring about the change they seek.”

Road Ahead

For many, Harris’s candidacy represents a transformative moment in American politics. Deep Badhesha, a Democratic activist, noted the excitement among younger voters, drawing parallels to the enthusiasm seen during Bernie Sanders’s 2016 campaign. “Kamala Harris I think offers something very different,” he said, reflecting on the unique appeal of her candidacy.

As the campaign progresses, Harris’s ability to connect with diverse communities and her historic candidacy continue to inspire hope and mobilization among voters. The upcoming election stands as a testament to the evolving landscape of American politics, where representation and diversity are becoming increasingly central to the nation’s democratic process.

While the excitement surrounding Harris’s candidacy is palpable, her campaign faces significant challenges. The polarized political climate, economic uncertainties, and social justice issues will test her ability to unify and lead the nation. However, her supporters remain optimistic.

Raj Patel, a political analyst, believes that Harris’s ability to navigate these challenges will be crucial. “She has the experience and the vision to address these issues head-on. Her diverse background gives her a unique perspective that can resonate with a broad spectrum of voters.”

Harris’s campaign is also focusing on key policy areas that matter to South Asian Americans, such as immigration reform, healthcare, and education. By addressing these issues, Harris aims to build a coalition that not only supports her candidacy but also advocates for meaningful change.

Kamala Harris’s presidential bid is more than just a campaign; it is a movement that represents the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans. For the South Asian community, her candidacy is a historic opportunity to see one of their own in the highest office in the land. As the election draws nearer, the energy and enthusiasm from her supporters continue to grow, highlighting the profound impact of her candidacy on the American political landscape.



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